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1. Introduction

Teaching practice since its beginnings has evolved in such a way as to create a school environment conducive to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in order to be applied in the best way possible for the student once he graduates from the educational establishment. Nowadays the teaching work is, in some way, altered by the drastic changes that society has undergone, so there are many gaps between what teachers, from 10 to 20 years ago, did in order to have a healthy environment within the classroom, and what we as future professionals in education will face.

The following portfolio has as one of its primary objectives to show the results obtained from the experience of working with a course and the English teacher of them, linking teaching theory to teaching practice, and so in this way one can to grow as a future teacher developing tools from the affective and cognitive side of teaching, in order to play a good delivery of knowledge to our future students.

2. Index

1.         Introduction

2.         Index

3.         Vise course program

4.        School information

5.        Pedagogical events  and reflections

6.        Assignments

7.       Reference Material  and Web pages and links consulted 

3. VISE course program

4. School information

The D-309 School Republic of El Salvador is an educational institution of the city of Valparaiso, in dependence of the Municipal Education System, which is located in “Castillo” street number 655, “Cerro Cordillera”, Valparaiso. It mainly serves to the community of “Cerro Cordillera” and adjacent sectors.

The current D-309 School Republic of El Salvador was inaugurated on September 3, 1956 by President Carlos Ibáñez del Campo with the authorities of that time. This school resulted from the merger of school No. 12 School of Girls and No. 13 School of Men. The President named it "School No. 13 Republic of El Salvador" in tribute to his Salvadoran wife, since he after traveling several years to the Republic of El Salvador met his current wife in the mission of training the Salvadoran police.  

5. Pedagogical events and reflections

a.    Observation Stage:

This artifacts are two pictures taken the second session that I attended in the 5th grade. It represents how significant this experience was (and still is) to me in terms of the quality of teaching you need to represent to your students.
I selected this artifact because it represents a very important part in my process of connecting of theory with practice of Pedagogy. It made me think of how affectionate the teacher should be with his/her students, because is with that tool that students could get a lot of confidence in reaching their goals, whether it is related with a precise course or if it is an aspect of their personal growth.
Also this experience made me realize that how much important is the attention you gave to your students in their knowledge acquisition. I wrongly believed that this topic was something secondary in the activity of knowledge delivery, and that is absolutely false in the practice, you must see it in action to ensure those kinds of assertions. I believe I have grown my understanding of been emphatic with them and more if you already know that they come from social risk situations, for any reason whatsoever, so I will be more empathic with all my students, I just want to look as the same person for everyone.

b.    Team-teaching stage:
The artifact used in this stage is a quote of Mark Van Doren: “The art of teaching is the art of helping to discover”. It represents the spirit of teaching that all teachers must have alongside their lives as educators, and the fact that we will be guiders to the knowledge of our students in almost all the situations inside the school and even outside it.
I select this artifact because is the kind of spirit that I could see in my guiding teacher while my practicum was in course. It made me reflect about my own motivation, spirit and sense of commitment that I need for doing the best job for them. 
Also the experience made me realize about how focused can be the children who really are interested in obtain information from their teachers who are really “there” for them, and thanks to that my perspective about been a guider is stronger than ever.

6. Assignments

7. Reference Material, web pages and links consulted

WikiQuotes about Education (in Spanish)

"Estándares Orientadores para Carreras de Pedagogía en Educación Media" en: